This hotel in Vero Beach, Florida has staff available to assist when you need more information or want to book our property. As the best of the hotels near Holman Stadium Vero Beach and so much more, we’re here for you. Contact us anytime you want for directions, rate quotes, information about local attractions and more. Our goal is to make your stay in this area as simple and interesting as possible, and we provide the info you need to make smart travel choices. May we be of service to you? You can be sure that we’re available to help at this HoJo.
1985 90th Ave, Vero Beach, Florida 32966, US
Phone: +1 (772) 778-1985
This website is owned and maintained by Howard Johnson by Wyndham Vero Beach/I-95, a licensed user of certain proprietary trademarks and service marks of Howard Johnson International, Inc.
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